Join us Thursday, September 29th, at 4:00PM-PST/7PM-EST on OMTimes Radio, for What’s Going OM? with host Sandie Sedgbeer and Nick Redfern.
Nick Redfern |
Are some of us the products of extraterrestrial tinkering? Were the gods of ancient civilizations really aliens? In his latest book Bloodline of the Gods, renowned researcher and investigative journalist Nick Redfern unravels the mystery of the human blood type and lays out scientific evidence that aliens are among us; at least 10% of the population is descended from an ancient alien civilization that has manipulated the human blood type.

NICK REDFERN is the internationally renowned author of more than 30 books including The Real Men in Black; The NASA Conspiracies; The Pyramids and the Pentagon; Contactees; and Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, and has appeared on over 70 TV shows including the BBC’s Out of This World, the History Channel’s America’s Book of Secrets, Ancient Aliens and UFO Hunters, and National Geographic’s Paranatural.
Join us at 4:00PM-PT/7PM-ET on Thursday by clicking the link below: