Join us Thursday, November 28th, at 2PM-Central for an Awakening Zone Encore presentation of The Sandie Sedgbeer Show: Conversation at the Cutting Edge with Sandie Sedgbeer and don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.
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don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. |
We all like to think we are the masters of our thoughts and our fate, but for many of us, how we think, and what we believe about ourselves and the world around us are the result of an unwitting agreement that we have made to accept a consensus reality that keeps us in bondage, restricts our freedom, and prevents us from knowing and expressing our authentic selves.
According to Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., we have all unwittingly made agreements about how we choose to live our lives and what we believe our personal truths are. But what we may not realize is that each one of these agreements represents an attachment, a limiting filter on who we think we are, and what the future could hold.
We call these attachments “knowledge” without ever questioning if that knowledge is necessarily true for us.
Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. is a Toltec master of transformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Night lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz, author of New York Times bestseller, The Four Agreements. In his newly released book The Five Levels of Attachment: Toltec Wisdom for a Modern World, Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., draws on the Toltec wisdom he learned from his father and grandmother to explore how our attachments create our reality, and how our beliefs become intimately connected to our identity, or who we think we are. By explaining how our attachments can be divided into five levels, he helps us understand how we have developed our belief structures and how to go about re-evaluating—or even severing—these harmful attachments.
Originally presented 5-23-13
Along with his family, he teaches workshops and offers transformational journeys around the world.
Join us at 2:00PM-Central time Thursday by clicking the link below:
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