Join us Tuesday, February 24th, at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on VividLife Radio, for The Sandie Sedgbeer Show: Conversation at the Cutting Edge when Sandie's guest will be Lee Harris.
Lee Harris |
Energy: we can’t see it or grasp it, but it has enormous influence on our lives. Buildings, places and things all emit energy, as do we. How often do we hear peopled described as having “gentle energy,” or a hard and abrasive vibe? Energy speaks to us all the time, but do you know know how to listen?
Join Sandie and Lee as they discuss the role that energy plays in our lives, how we can listen-herelearn to manage our own personal energy, release the healing, creative powers we all posses to transform our lives, our relationships, and our world. Lee will also share some simple but powerful exercises to help us become masterful at listening when energy speaks to us.
Lee Harris is a gifted energy intuitive, channeler and sound healer. He has with thousands of people in personal sessions, seminars, live events and retreats worldwide, and is the author of two books and numerous healing audio and video recordings on diverse topics, both metaphysical and emotional.
His monthly Energy Forecasts, broadcast on YouTube, have received over a million views and offer tools and guidance for daily living in the ever-shifting energy templates now experienced on Planet Earth.
Lee’s work is not attached to any religion or ideology, but rather, is grounded in the most fundamental truth—you are love and you have within you the power to transform and elevate your life and the lives of others.
Join us at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on Tuesday by clicking the link below:
Join us Tuesday, February 17th, at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on VividLife Radio, for The Sandie Sedgbeer Show: Conversation at the Cutting Edge when Sandie's guest will be Temple Hayes.
Temple Hayes |
When was the last time you died? When someone said you weren’t good enough? When you buried who you really are for fear others would disapprove? When you gave up your dream for a “real” job?
Every day, without knowing it, we chip away at our selves by denying who we are. Traumatic life experiences, an insatiable quest for perfection, a wounded self-listen-hereesteem all lead to subtle deaths of the spirit that prevent us from experiencing the miracles and magic that life has to offer.
Join Sandie Sedgbeer and Temple Hayes, author of the book When Did You Die? 8 Steps to Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up as they discuss practical ways to change the way you think and relate to the world and others, and start taking back your life.
Temple Hayes is an internationally recognized spiritual leader at the Unity Campus, St. Petersburg, Florida. After enduring a heartbreaking childhood and traumatized youth, she turned to a new understanding of Spirit to pull her from the car wrecks of alcohol addiction and many fears, and forged a new life from the ashes of her day-by-day death. A practicing shaman, she is a key member of the Leadership Council of the Association of Global New Thought.
Join us at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on Tuesday by clicking the link below:
Join us Tuesday, February 10th, at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on VividLife Radio, for The Sandie Sedgbeer Show: Conversation at the Cutting Edge when Sandie's guest will be Tracy Smith.
Tracy Smith |
If you think your most intimate relationships are with the people you love, you’re wrong. There’s one relationship that has the power to influence every other relationship you have, for good or bad, and that’s your relationship with money! Each of us has a unique relationship with money, but there are certain patterns, themes, or archetypes that have a listen-hereuniversal quality. Once we understand how we relate to money and work with it we can harness this knowledge to create a life we love.
If you were to break through your fears about money, what would be possible for you?
Join Sandie and business consultant Tracy Smith as they discuss how uncovering your Sacred Money Archetype can help you transform your relationship with money for good.
Tracy Smith trained as a lawyer and worked as a management consultant before cofounding ACreativeSpace, an innovative unique UK-based, internationally serving organization that uses bio-resonance to support individuals and businesses. Her recognition that money is what most often prevents people from creating a life they love led Tracy to the work of Kendall Summerhawk and the Sacred Money Archetypes, of which she is now a Certified Coach. She now combines these tools with bio-resonance and The Creative Space Wealth programme.
Join us at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on Tuesday by clicking the link below:
Join us Tuesday, February 3rd, at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on VividLife Radio, for The Sandie Sedgbeer Show: Conversation at the Cutting Edge when Sandie's guest will be Suzy Miller.
Suzy Miller |
We hear a great deal about intention, but is changing our lives really as simple as changing our thoughts? Is telepathy a natural attribute? Is humanity really evolving into a higher species?
According to visionary speaker, author, and multidimensional communicator, Suzy Miller, “humanity is going through a process where we are continually being re-listen-herecalibrated to the highest aspect of who we really are.
Join Sandie and Suzy Miller as they discuss telepathy (do we really all have this capability?); intention (is changing our thoughts really the key to changing our lives?); expanding our reality, and what we can learn from the new kids that can help us all evolve… and more.
Suzy Miller is a former Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist turned international speaker, Co-founder with physicist Prof. William Tiller (What the Bleep Do We Know?) of the Autism Intention Experiment. Founder of the AWECP Certified Practitioners Program and author of Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism.
Join us at 5:00PM-PST/8PM-EST on Tuesday by clicking the link below: